R&D Tax Credits in Manufacturing

The UK manufacturing sector heavily revolves around innovation. Plenty of businesses fail to claim the tax credits for their process usually because they are considered routine by the business instead of innovative. With an annual output of £192bn, the UK manufacturing industry remains the ninth-largest in the world. This scheme is available to pharmaceutical and technological companies working on their vaccines and artificial intelligence and all sectors, including this one.

What Qualifies For R&D In Manufacturing?

The definition for which projects can qualify for R&D is incredibly broad, for a deeper understanding check out our definition here. In the Manufacturing sector examples of R&D could include the design and development of prototypes that have multi-purposeful features or even designing/manufacturing bespoke tools and equipment for product manufacturing. Ultimately your project needs to recognise and identify a scientific or technological uncertainty.


Creating, developing or improving functional prototypes, source code or robotics


Creating, devloping, or improving prototypes, source code or programming robotics

Integrating New Materials

Using new materials to improve product performance and manufacturing processes.

Using Automation

Can be used for different purposes, such as streamlining manufacturing processes.

The rules of R&D are not exclusive to the above list. They are put into place to reward and refund those who are dealing with uncertainty.