R&D Tax Credits in Electrical Engineering

Research and Development tax relief is fundamental in the Electrical Engineering sector not just for the financial benefit it brings but also creates a more stimulating environment for everyone involved. If you are looking to resolve uncertainties, through creating a unique process that includes a lot of research, chances are you could be eligible for R&D tax relief.

If you tackle future and current projects from an R&D perspective by incorporating it into your decision-making then it will allow you to take more venturesome risks that could improve the industry as a whole.

What Qualifies For R&D In Electrical Engineering?

In the Engineering sector, R&D mostly happens along each stage from the designing, building and analysis. Ultimately if your business recognizes and identifies a scientifically or technological uncertainty, develops a way to test this and attempts to overcome this uncertainty, then you have a high chance of being eligible to claim R&D tax relief again. The projects can involve anything from developing powerplants to electrical devices with an electronic circuit.

The definition for which projects can qualify for R&D is incredibly broad, for a deeper understanding check out our definition here.

Employment & Contractor or Subcontractor Costs

SME’s can claim up to 65% of the costs paid to a subcontractor and for an RDEC

Cost of Materials & Consumables

The cost of materials that are consumed or transformed within the R&D process

Specialist Skillset & Software Costs

Requiring a specialist for your R&D efforts and the amount spent on Computer Software

Development & Testing Costs

An advance in science, technology and product/processes

The rules of R&D are not exclusive to the above list. They are put into place to reward and refund those who are dealing with uncertainty.